
New York Probate Lawyer Blog


New York Estate Real Estate Can Complicate Administration

Real Estate ownership by a decedent is commonplace. A person may have owned a family residence, or investment or commercial properties. Ownership interests may also appear in the form of cooperative and condominium units. These types of assets constitute one of, if not the, most valuable estate asset. The administration…


New York Kinship Cases Require Proof of Maternal and Paternal Heirs

Surrogate’s Court cases in New York are identified by a number of different proceedings.  There are, for example, probate proceedings and intestate administration proceedings.   There are also accounting proceedings in which the estate administrator and executor provides an account of his transactions to the interested parties who can approve…


New York Estates May Involve The Payment Of A Decedent’s Debts

An Estate fiduciary such as an Executor or Administrator is responsible for settling a decedent’s estate.    A New York City estate lawyer often refers to Estates Powers and Trusts Law (EPTL) Section 11-1.1 which is entitled “Fiduciaries’ powers”.  Among the authority provided by the statute is the power to…


A New York Estate Plan Should Include Alternate Beneficiary Designations

The creation and implementation of an estate plan requires the consideration of many factors. Reference is made to the New York Probate Lawyer Blog which contains many articles regarding the planning of an estate. One of the essential elements in the planning process is obtaining a full understanding and inventory…


A New York Estate Fiduciary Can Evict An Occupant From Estate Property

One of the more common problems that an executor or administrator may encounter is an unauthorized occupant of a decedent’s real estate. The New York Probate Lawyer Blog has discussed this issue in a number of earlier articles. However, since this matter routinely occurs during the course of estate settlement,…

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