An estate plan in New York is very important to establish the disposition of assets. Documents that may be included in estate and advanced planning include a Last Will, Living Will, Health Care Proxy, Durable Power of Attorney and Living Trust. The New York Probate Lawyer Blog has discussed these…
Articles Posted in Estate Planning
New York Wills Need to Have Clearly Defined Language
Estate Planning in New York involves the preparation of a number of different papers. Included among these documents is a Last Will and Testament. The New York Probate Lawyer Blog has posted many articles concerning the importance of preparing a Last Will as well as the need for the Will…
New York Estate Planning Is Essential to Avoid Estate Settlement Disputes
New York Estate Settlement can be complicated by many different factors. After a person dies a fiduciary such as an Executor or Administrator will be appointed to handle estate affairs. The New York Probate Lawyer Blog has provided numerous posts discussing the procedure to appoint an estate fiduciary. In short,…
New York Courts Require that the Terms of a Last Will and Testament be Followed
New York Estate Lawyers know that it is important for individuals to create plans that reflect their intentions. An estate plan can include a Last Will, Living Will, Health Care Proxy, Power of Attorney and Living Trust. It is important that when creating these documents, an individual give serious consideration…
New York Estate Rights Can be Revoked by a Divorce
The estate of a decedent can be affected by many different pre-death and post death events. For example, the decedent may be involved in a lawsuit during life that is still ongoing at the time of death. It will then be up to the estate Executor or Administrator to take…
Selecting a Trustee in New York Involves Important Considerations
Selecting the proper fiduciaries in estate planning is an important aspect of the planning process. When an individual creates a Last Will or Trust, the Executor or Trustee is the person who is given the responsibility to carry out the creator’s plan and protect the creator’s assets. The fiduciary has…
A New York Resident Must Properly Provide Beneficiary Designations To Avoid Unwanted Results
Estate Planning for New Yorkers can be a very complex process. When considering a testamentary plan, it is common to immediately think about estate taxes. While such taxes are imposed in the form of New York State estate tax and the Federal estate tax, most estates are not subject to…
New York Estate Planning Requires That Specific Language Be Used to Describe Dispositions
Planning an estate and advance directives involves a considerable amount of time and review so that the desired result is achieved. The New York Probate Lawyer Blog has discussed the importance of the many considerations when preparing planning and other documents. The papers that may typically be a part of…
New York Estate Planning and the Probate Process are Interconnected
Estate planning in New York is essential to the proper administration of a decedent’s estate. Creating an estate plan that includes a Last Will, Living Will, Health Care Proxy, Power of Attorney and possibly a Living Trust can facilitate the process by which assets are passed to family and friends…
New York Marital Inheritance Rights Can Be Waived
The rights of a surviving spouse to inherit from a decedent have been referred to in numerous articles in the New York Probate Lawyer Blog. When a person dies without a Last Will, a surviving spouse is provided by Estates, Powers and Trusts Law (EPTL) Section 4-1.1 with at least…