Estate litigation in New York can involve many types of issues. One area of dispute often concerns the rights various individuals may have in a decedent’s Estate or Trust. For example, the New York Probate Lawyer Blog has discussed in previous posts issues concerning the determination of a decedent’s next…
Articles Posted in Accountings
Estate Litigation in New York Can Involve Many Different Issues
Estate litigation occurs on a daily basis in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Nassau and other New York Surrogate’s Courts in counties across the state. The variety of the issues that are the subject of dispute often appear to be endless and usually present rather interesting problems. New York estate lawyers confront many…
New York Accounting Proceedings Allow Examination of the Fiduciary
A New York Executor and Administrator has an obligation to collect estate assets, pay bills and expenses and then distribute the net estate to the estate beneficiaries. Estate settlement in Manhattan or Brooklyn or Queens or other New York Counties is fundamentally the same. As part of the settlement process,…
Estate Accounting In New York Finalizes the Settlement Process
The estate settlement process in New York involves a number of stages. The first stage is typically the appointment of the fiduciary. Where the decedent has left a Last Will, the Will must be probated. Throughout New York such as in Westchester or the Bronx, probate in the Surrogate’s Court…
New York Power of Attorney Issues Overlap Guardianship and Estate Matters
Brooklyn and Nassau estate attorneys, as well as those assisting their clients throughout all parts of New York State, are often confronted with a myriad of issues relating to Powers of Attorney, Health Care Proxies, Article 81 Guardianship and estate settlement. In a typical situation, an individual may have prepared…
New York Estate Fiduciary Accountings Involve Issues Regarding Estate Administration
New York Executors and Administrators are appointed by the Surrogate’s Court to administer a decedent’s estate. Typically, there are many aspects to estate settlement including the identification and collection of a decedent’s assets, the payment of debts and estate expenses and the payment of income and estate taxes. The final…
A New York Fiduciary Accounting Provides Disclosure Of Financial Activities
A New York Fiduciary is generally required to provide a full accounting of his or her financial transactions. Fiduciaries include estate Executors and Administrators, Trustees and Guardians of incapacitated persons. The information set forth in the accounting can be simple or complex depending upon the nature of the estate or…