
Articles Posted in Accountings


New York Estate Accounting Proceedings Involve Issues Regarding Commissions

An estate fiduciary such as an Executor and Administrator has many different obligations. The New York Probate Lawyer Blog has discussed many of these duties. For example, the fiduciary must locate, protect and collect estate assets. This function includes such tasks as closing a decedent’s bank accounts or brokerage accounts…


A New York Proceeding to Compel a Fiduciary to Provide An Accounting is an Important Method to Settle An Estate

A very common complaint that New York Estate Lawyers hear is that an estate beneficiary has not received his share of a decedent’s estate. Typically, the beneficiary, who may be a legatee under a Last Will or a distributee in an intestate administration, has been waiting for years to receive…


New York Estate Accounting Proceedings Can Involve the Discovery of Estate Information

The settlement of an estate in New York involves the preparation of an account by the fiduciary. Executors and Administrators need to assemble an account that provides information regarding the transactions that occurred during the administration of the estate. New York estate lawyers are familiar with the provisions of the…


New York Fiduciaries Such as Guardians and Executors Must Account for Their Actions and Obligations

A fiduciary can be found in any number of different roles.  The Surrogate’s Court can appoint a New York Executor or Administrator to handle the affairs of a decedent’s estate.  The New York Supreme Court can appoint an Article 81 Guardian to be responsible for the property management and personal…


New York Accountings May Be Compelled by the Surrogate’s Court

A New York Executor, Administrator or Trustee has many powers and obligations. As a fiduciary, such appointments require that a full record and account of activities be maintained so that an accounting can be provided to the estate or trust beneficiaries. It is not uncommon for a beneficiary to complain…

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